
Control Machine Requirements

supervisorclusterctl requires Ansible to be installed on the control machine. You only need to install Ansible on one machine and it can control an entire fleet of remote nodes from that central point.

Currently Ansible can be run from any machine with Python 2.6 installed (Windows isn’t supported for the control machine). This includes Red Hat, Debian, CentOS, OS X, any of the BSDs, and so on.

Ansible can be installed via “pip”, the Python package manager. If ‘pip’ isn’t already available in your version of Python, you can get pip by:

$ sudo easy_install pip

Then install Ansible with:

$ sudo pip install ansible


Some Linux distributions offer a version of Ansible that is installable through the system package manager. Use the package management tools of your distribution to check availability.

Managed Node Requirements

supervisorclusterctl requires Supervisor to be installed on the remote nodes.

Supervisor can be installed via “pip”:

$ sudo pip install supervisor


Some Linux distributions offer a version of Supervisor that is installable through the system package manager. Use the package management tools of your distribution to check availability.

Installing supervisorclusterctl

Installing via pip

supervisorclusterctl can be installed via “pip”:

$ sudo pip install supervisorclusterctl

Installing from source

supervisorclusterctl is trivially easy to install from source. No daemons or database setup are required.

To install from source:

$ git clone
$ cd ./supervisorclusterctl
$ sudo python install

Create RPM package

You can create a RPM package which can be used by many of popular Linux distributions, including Red Hat, SuSE:

$ sudo python bdist_rpm

Installing from tarball or zipball

A zipball or tarball of the source are available on the Project page.